Testimonials from our Research Forum Coordinators — Policy with Ana Paula Emilio

Urban Planning Specialist

The Co-Liv Network

Ana Paula is our Policy Forum Coordinator and urban planning specialist based in Sao Paolo. She defines co-living as something that is emerging but has its roots in history as well: “it covers many aspects of our prime nature (the crave for bonding, living in community, sharing our resources) that we tended to miss along history”. She sees co-living as a way to transform the co-living movement into a more visible aspect of our lives, saying: “once more people know that there are safe and comfortable ways to co-live, they can start leaving the common sense and really reinvent their lives through it”.

Ana Paula believes that public policy has a huge impact on our everyday lives and that we should find ways to use these regulations in our favor, rather than letting them be an obstacle. Her aspirations are that the research collated from the PUREHOUSE LAB is solid enough to be a foundation to influence public policies in favor of co-living. She envisions “an experiment where we could simulate the appliance of a combination of multiple policies (regarding zoning, building, etc) in an existing co-living practice”. The goal is to discover alternatives to ultimately overcome policy barriers for the implementation of co-living spaces.

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With lots of co-love,

The Co-Liv Team

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